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2019-2020 USC Lancaster Bulletin 
  Mar 28, 2025
2019-2020 USC Lancaster Bulletin


General Information

The University of South Carolina Lancaster strives to provide an opportunity to any student who shows promise of successfully completing a college education. The University encourages all qualified persons to apply. Equal educational opportunities are offered to students regardless of race, sex, religion, color, or national origin.

An application for admission must be submitted and approved and an official notification of acceptance issued by the Office of Admissions and Records before any person may enroll. Before action can be taken on an application for admission, all credentials required by University policy must be received by the admissions office, which has responsibility for evaluation of credentials for the purpose of admission.

Applications must be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee specified on the application for admission. Applications may be obtained from the Office of Admissions and Records located in Starr Hall 123, or online at

Applications submitted more than one year in advance of the anticipated date of enrollment will be acknowledged, but no action will be taken until admission standards for the year in question have been established. The number of students admitted and enrolled in any year will be determined by the capacity of the institution to provide for the educational and other needs of the students, and by budgetary or other appropriate considerations. Admissions policies and procedures are subject to continuous review by the admissions staff and the Admissions, Petitions, and Grade Change Committee, and may be changed without notice.

The University reserves the right to place conditions on the admission of any student. In the event such action is taken, the conditions will be clearly explained in the letter of acceptance.

Proof of immunity to measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) is required before a student will be allowed to enroll in classes at the University of South Carolina Lancaster. The meningitis vaccine is recommended for all first-year students (entering freshmen 24 years of age and younger). If you decline the meningitis vaccine, your signature and date are required on a meningitis vaccine waiver form. A parent’s signature is required for students less than 18 years of age.

Campus visits may be arranged online at, or by contacting the Office of Admissions and Records at (803) 313-7073 or

Freshman Admission

A freshman applicant is a person who has not attended a regionally accredited college or university after high school graduation. Applicants who attended a postsecondary institution while still in high school are classified as freshmen, but must submit official transcripts of their college work (regardless of whether credit was or will be received).


Freshman applicants must have either a high school diploma from a recognized regionally accredited association or its equivalent (GED) prior to enrolling. Accepted applicants must submit senior grades and a verification of graduation as soon as they are available. Applicants who did not graduate from high school must submit a copy of a GED certificate or satisfactory GED test scores.

Freshman applicants must submit:

  • Completed admissions application
  • Specified nonrefundable application fee
  • Official high school transcript complete up to the time of application
  • Official entrance examination scores (either SAT or ACT - scores will only be considered official if they are sent directly from the testing service)

College Preparatory Course Prerequisite Requirements

Prospective students must have adequate preparation for the curriculum in which they plan to enroll. At a minimum, applicants for admission are required to complete a college preparatory program with units distributed among the following academic subjects:

English (4 units): At least two units must have strong grammar and composition components, at least one must be in English literature, and at least one must be in American literature. Completion of College Preparatory English I, II, III, and IV will meet this requirement.

Mathematics (4 units): The four units of mathematics must include Algebra I (for which Applied Mathematics I and II may count together as a substitute, if a student successfully completes Algebra II), Algebra II, and Geometry. A fourth higher-level mathematics course should be selected from among Algebra III/trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus, statistics, discrete mathematics, or a capstone course and should be taken during the senior year.

Laboratory Science (3 units): Two units must be taken in two different fields and selected from among biology, chemistry, or physics. The third unit may be from the same field as one of the first two units (biology, chemistry, or physics) or from any laboratory science for which biology and/or chemistry is a prerequisite. Courses in earth science, general physical science, or introductory or general environmental science for which biology and/or chemistry is not a prerequisite will not meet this requirement. It is strongly recommended that students take physical science (taught as a laboratory science) as a prerequisite to the three required units of laboratory science outlined in this section. It is also strongly recommended that students desiring to pursue careers in science, mathematics, engineering or technology take one course in all three fields.

Foreign Language (2 units): The two units of foreign language must be in the same language.

Social Studies (3 units): One unit of U.S. History is required; a half unit of economics and a half unit in government are strongly recommended.

Fine Arts (1 unit): One unit in appreciation of, history of, or performance in one of the fine arts.

Academic Elective (1 unit): A college preparatory course in computer science (i.e., one involving significant programming content, not simply keyboarding) is strongly recommended for this elective. Other acceptable electives include college preparatory courses in English; fine arts; foreign languages; social science; humanities; laboratory science (excluding those for which biology and/or chemistry is not a prerequisite); or mathematics above the level of Algebra.

Physical Education: One unit of physical education or ROTC is required.

Total Units: 19


Applicants must complete additional units to meet or exceed state and local high school graduation requirements. In choosing these electives, students should consider the recommendations given in the preceding listing for specific prospective majors.

Freshman applicants are encouraged to apply in the fall prior to the fall for which they seek admission. Applicants must apply for and take the required entrance examinations well in advance of the term for which they seek admission, and they are responsible for having the results of these examinations sent to the University directly from the testing service. Applicants over the age of 21 may not be required to submit entrance examination results; however, they must submit other credentials which give evidence of reasonable academic potential. Entrance examination scores may be required in the absence of satisfactory credentials or evidence of potential. Some programs may require entrance test scores for all students, regardless of age.

Other Admissions Opportunities

CAP Students. The Conditional Admission Program (CAP) is a special admissions program open to students who do not meet the regular requirements for pre-baccalaureate admission as described above. Depending on their high school curriculum and/or entrance examination scores (ACT or SAT), students may still be eligible for admission through CAP. For complete details about eligibility and requirements, students should contact the Office of Admissions and Records at (803) 313-7073 or Most students in this program must complete 30 semester hours at USC Lancaster with a 2.00 GPA or higher to attend one of the USC four-year campuses.


Admission as a Nondegree Seeking Candidate

Applicants who wish to attend the University for one semester or on some limited basis may be approved to do so upon submitting an application. The admissions office reserves the right to determine the proper category of admission and to determine what credentials may be required.

Special Students. This category is for part-time applicants who are not interested in earning a degree at USC. A maximum of 30 semester hours may be earned in this category. Applicants who have been officially denied admission as degree-seeking students are not eligible for admission as non-degree students. Courses completed by special students carry full University credit; however, none of the hours are applicable toward a degree until the student applies and qualifies for admission to a degree program. Usually no credentials are required if the applicant has no plan to seek a degree. Visiting or transient students are required to submit a transient permission form from their home institution that includes verification of good academic standing.

Senior Citizens. A senior citizen (age 60 or above) may be eligible to enroll in courses at USC Lancaster tuition-free, on a space available basis. In order to be eligible, a person must be admitted to the University of South Carolina Lancaster and have been a resident of South Carolina for at least 12 months. A special form documenting eligibility must be obtained from the Office of Admissions and Records.

Please note that senior citizens are responsible for all charges which are not tuition. This includes, but is not limited to, the application fee and any applicable course fees.

Concurrent. High school juniors and seniors who have excelled in their studies may enroll in appropriate courses at the University upon recommendation of their school counselor or principal, and with approval of the academic department in which courses are to be taken. Interested students must submit a high school transcript verifying their eligibility and demonstrating exceptional ability to undertake college-level coursework. Admission exceptions may be granted for freshman or sophomore students at the request of the high school principal, his or her designee, or the designee of the governing school association. Concurrent students must have a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Auditor. An auditor may apply as a special student (see above). Classes that are audited at USC may not be retaken for credit towards a degree later.

Military Special. Certification of active duty military status is required.

Persons attending the University in any of these categories will be non-degree candidates. Credit earned while attending as a non-degree candidate may be used toward a degree only after the student has applied for and been accepted into a degree program. An applicant denied admission to any degree category is not eligible for admission as a non-degree student. The period of enrollment in these categories is limited by either time or number of allowable credits. The official acceptance letter explains all enrollment restrictions for the category in question. Non-degree students are not eligible for financial aid or veteran’s benefits.

Readmission of Former Students

An application for readmission must be submitted by any former student who wishes to return to the University after missing a major (fall or spring) semester. Summer sessions do not count as a major semester in this instance. Applications for readmission are available online at, or may be obtained from the Office of Admissions and Records. Readmission to the University and to the program in which the student was previously enrolled is not automatic.

Students who attend the University as special students (including probationary or non-degree candidates) are not considered for “readmission” because these students were not fully admitted to the University originally. If special students wish to return to the University as degree-seeking candidates, they must apply for regular admission as freshmen or transfer students, furnishing all official transcripts and any entrance test scores which may be required.

Students who leave the University in good standing, miss one or more major semesters, and attend another institution while away must submit the application for readmission and official transcripts of all college-level work attempted during their absence from the University. Such applicants must meet the same requirements as transfer students.

A student who leaves the University on suspension must apply for readmission upon completion of the period of suspension and qualify for readmission to the major program requested. To attempt to return to the University prior to the completion of the suspension period requires:

  • An application for readmission and a petition for reinstatement if a major semester has been missed; or
  • A petition for reinstatement if the attempt is being made after notification of suspension but prior to missing a major semester. The petition for reinstatement is made to the  Admissions, Petitions, and Grade Change Committee.

If students attend another college-level institution while suspended from the University, they must maintain a satisfactory average at that institution in order to retain the privilege of being considered for readmission at the conclusion of their suspension. The University does not transfer credit earned during a period of suspension, but the quality of grades could affect the decision on readmission.

Applications should be submitted before these deadlines:

Fall term: August 1

Spring term: December 1

Summer terms: Two weeks prior to registration for the term.

Note: These deadlines are subject to change at any time.

Summer School Admission

New students entering the University for the first time in a summer term who expect to continue studying toward a degree submit only one application. They must meet all requirements for admission as degree-seeking students before the beginning of the summer term. These students should not submit a separate application for the summer term.

Summer Attendance Only. Students who wish to attend the University for the summer only should refer to the “Admission as a Non-degree Seeking Candidate” paragraph included in this section. Students enrolled in degree programs at another college or university who wish to take summer courses at USC as transients should seek written approval to take specific courses from a dean or department chair at their home institution.

Transfer Admission

An applicant who, having graduated from high school, has attended another regionally accredited postsecondary institution and attempted one or more courses is a transfer student, regardless of credit earned. If fewer than 30 semester hours (45 quarter hours) of college-level work have been attempted, the applicant must meet both transfer and freshman entrance requirements.

Transfer applicants for admission must submit:

  • Completed admissions application
  • Specified nonrefundable application fee
  • Complete official transcripts from postsecondary institutions through the time of application; these must be supplemented by final transcripts that reflect complete academic work prior to beginning classes at the University.
  • Complete -high school records including entrance exam results if less than 30 semester hours (45 quarter hours) of college-level work have been attempted at a regionally accredited college or university.

Applications should be submitted before these deadlines:

Fall term: August 1

Spring term: December 1

Summer terms: Two weeks prior to the start of each term.

Note: These deadlines are subject to change at any time.

All applicants for transfer admission must be eligible to return to the last institution attended as a degree-seeking student.

The applicant must submit official transcripts of all previous college courses attempted whether or not credit was earned and regardless of whether the applicant wishes to transfer any credit. An official transcript must be sent directly to the admissions office from every institution attended. Failure to report all attempted college courses may constitute sufficient cause for later dismissal from the University.

In addition to the general requirements for admission outlined in this section, some departments within the University set additional requirements that may be higher than the University’s minimum standards. For more specific information concerning entrance requirements for individual departments, refer to the program section of this bulletin.

For the purpose of admission, a transfer grade point average is calculated using all credits attempted and all grades earned on college-level courses (e.g. non-developmental, non-remedial) at other institutions. These credits and grades also will be included in calculating honors for graduation from the University. Colleges within the University have the right to consider all attempted college-level work in determining admission to particular programs and/or advancement into upper-division or professional-level courses. Transfer students should consult the section of this bulletin for the program in which the student plans to study for further information about the use of credits and grades from previous college work. For regulations on graduation with honors, see “Academic Regulations.”

Regardless of the point in an academic career at which students enter the University, all must complete the final year (the last 30 semester hours before graduation) enrolled in classes approved by the appropriate dean of the college, school, or campus from which the degree will be granted.

Students who expect to receive an associate’s degree from USC Lancaster must complete the final 15 hours enrolled in classes at the Lancaster campus.

Evaluation of transfer credits. Transfer credits to USC must be from regionally accredited institutions for academic courses completed with grades of C- or better. Applicability of credits toward a particular degree is determined by the degree program in which the student enrolls. The number of credits acceptable to the University and the number which may apply toward a particular degree may differ.

Original records are required for courses exempted at a previous college. Exemption credit or acceptance of transfer credit by another college has no bearing on the evaluation of transfer credit at the University of South Carolina.

Students transferring to the University from another college or university must, before enrolling in class at the University, have their transcripts evaluated by the University. It is only in the light of such evaluation that students will know definitively the transferability and equivalency of each transfer course.

Transferability refers to the conditions under which the University accepts credit for inclusion in the student’s record. Transfer courses must have been taken at a regionally accredited post-secondary institution, or, if taken at a foreign post-secondary institution, have been recommended by a NACES - member external evaluation service. Coursework classified as remedial by the University will appear on the student’s record, but will not be used to determine admission eligibility or a transfer GPA. Exceptions to this rule may be made by the Office of the Registrar when state scholarship eligibility rules require inclusion.

Equivalency entails equating transfer credit, both in hours and content, to University of South Carolina coursework. The Registrar’s Office works with USC colleges and schools to coordinate the process of transfer evaluation to equate transfer courses directly to courses in the USC course catalog; to subject codes which represent subjects not offered at USC; or to subject codes that identify courses as remedial/technical/non-accredited coursework.

Applicability of credit toward a degree refers to the prerogative of academic divisions to count specific credit toward the fulfillment of a student’s degree requirements. The student’s college, school or campus of enrollment is responsible for determining applicability.

However, a transfer course is generally not applicable towards any University of South Carolina academic program or degree if:

  • The transfer course was occupational or technical in nature (examples: welding, paralegal, radiography courses).
  • The transfer course was essentially remedial in nature (example: Developmental English).
  • A grade lower than 2.0 on a 4 point scale, or equivalent, was earned in the transfer course.
  • The transfer course was taken by a degree-seeking University of South Carolina student without prior approval as described in the Earning Credit in Transient Status section of this bulletin.
  • The transfer course was taken while a student was on an academic suspension from a University of South Carolina campus.
  • The student received any grade other than W in an equivalent course at this university, unless the student was enrolled full-time at least one year at the transfer institution.

Exceptions to this rule may be made only by the designated academic official(s) on the campus where the student is majoring and only in specific cases where such courses are judged to be uniquely relevant to the student’s degree program.

A maximum of 76 semester hours may be transferred for degree credit from a junior college or two-year institution which is accredited by a regional association such as the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

A maximum of 30 semester hours of credit by correspondence and credit awarded for educational experiences in the military may be applied toward meeting the requirements for a baccalaureate degree. The 30 semester hours of credit which may be awarded for educational experiences in the military should be in accordance with recommendations published by the American Council on Education and be consistent with University policy on the transfer of credit but will only be applied to a degree program upon the approval of the dean of the college or campus from which the degree is to be awarded.

Veteran students may receive credit toward graduation for training received under many of the armed forces college training programs. University credit also may be given for specialized and technical training done under the auspices of the armed forces and for courses taken through the United States Armed Forces Institute/DANTES. This training may be accepted by the University for credit only if it is at the college level, if it is approved by the University, and if it is appropriate to the particular University course of study in which the student enrolls. Armed forces training will not be evaluated until the applicant has been accepted for admission; however, credentials should be submitted with the admission application. No credit is given for high-school or college-level GED tests.

(Information regarding educational benefits to veterans and the children of deceased or disabled veterans may be found in the section on financial aid. Additional information for veterans is available from the Office of Financial Aid, University of South Carolina Lancaster.)

A maximum of 30 semester hours of credit earned while classified as a non-degree special student at the University may be applied toward meeting the requirements for a baccalaureate degree.

A student planning to pursue work at other institutions or through correspondence must complete this work before attaining senior classification (90 semester hours).

Courses completed at any institution while the student is suspended by the University will not be accepted toward a degree at USC, but may be used to evaluate a student’s eligibility for readmission.

Transfer: State Policy and Procedures


Section 10-C of the South Carolina School-to-Work Transition Act (1994) stipulated that the Council of College and University Presidents and the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education, operating through the Commission on Higher Education, develop better articulation of associate and baccalaureate degree programs. To comply with this requirement, the commission upon the advice of the Council of Presidents established a Transfer Articulation Policy Committee composed of four-year institutions’ vice presidents for academic affairs and the Associate Director for Instruction of the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education. The principal outcomes derived from the work of that committee and accepted by the Commission on Higher Education on July 6, 1995, were:

  • An expanded list of 86 courses which transfer to four-year public institutions of South Carolina from the two-year public institutions;
  • A statewide policy document on good practices in transfer to be followed by all public institutions of higher education in the State of South Carolina, which was accepted in principle by the Advisory Committee on Academic Programs and the commission;
  • Six task forces on statewide transfer agreements, each based in a discipline or broad area of the baccalaureate curriculum.

In 1995 the General Assembly passed Act 137 which stipulated further that the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education “notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, shall have the following additional duties and functions with regard to the various public institutions of higher education.” These duties and responsibilities include the commission’s responsibility “to establish procedures for the transferability of courses at the undergraduate level between two-year and four-year institutions or schools.” This same provision is repeated in the legislation developed from the Report of the Joint Legislative Study Committee.

Act 137 directed the commission to adopt the following procedures for the transfer of courses from all two-year public to all four-year public institutions of higher education in South Carolina.

Statewide Articulation of 86 Courses

  1. The Statewide Articulation Agreement of 86 courses already approved by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education for transfer from two- to four-year public institutions shall be applicable to all public institutions, including two-year institutions and institutions within the same system. In instances where an institution does not have synonymous courses to ones on this list, it shall identify comparable courses or course categories for acceptance of general education courses on the statewide list.

Admissions Criteria, Course Grades, GPAs, Validations

  1. All four-year public institutions shall issue annually in August a transfer guide covering at least the following items:
    1. The definition of a transfer student and requirements for admission both to the institution and, if more selective, requirements for admission to particular programs.
    2. Limitations placed by the institution or its programs for acceptance of standardized examinations (e.g., SAT, ACT) taken more than a given time ago, for academic course work taken elsewhere, for course work repeated due to failure, for course work taken at another institution while the student is academically suspended at his/her home institution, and so forth.
    3. Institutional and, if more selective, programmatic maximums of course credits allowable in transfer.
    4. Institutional procedures used to calculate student applicants’ GPAs for transfer admission. Such procedures shall describe how nonstandard grades (withdrawal, withdrawal failing, repeated course, etc.) are evaluated; and they shall also describe whether all course work taken prior to transfer or just course work deemed appropriate to the student’s intended four-year program of study is calculated for purposes of admission to the institution and/or programmatic major.
    5. Lists of all courses accepted from each technical college (including the 72 courses in the Statewide Articulation Agreement) and the course equivalencies (including “free elective” category) found on the home institution for the courses accepted.
    6. Lists of all articulation agreements with any public South Carolina two-year or other institution of higher education, together with information about how interested parties can access these agreements.
    7. Lists of the institution’s Transfer Officer(s) personnel together with telephone and fax numbers and office address.
    8. Institutional policies related to “academic bankruptcy” (i.e., removing an entire transcript or parts thereof from a failed or underachieving record after a period of years has passed) so that re-entry into the four-year institution with course credit earned in the interim elsewhere is done without regard to the student’s earlier record.
    9. “Residency requirements” for the minimum number of hours required to be earned at the institution for the degree.
  2. Course work (individual courses, transfer blocks, statewide agreements) covered within these procedures shall be transferable if the student has completed the course work with a “C” grade (2.00 on a 4.00 scale) or above, but transfer of grades does not relieve the student of the obligation to meet any GPA requirements or other admissions requirements of the institution or program to which application has been made.
    1. Any four-year institution which has institutional or programmatic admissions requirements for transfer students with cumulative grade point averages (GPAs) higher than 2.00 on a 4.00 scale shall apply such entrance requirements equally to transfer students from regionally accredited South Carolina public institutions regardless of whether students are transferring from a four-year or two-year institution.
    2. Any multi-campus institution or system shall certify by letter to the commission that all course work at all of its campuses applicable to a particular degree program of study is fully acceptable in transfer to meet degree requirements in the same degree program at any other of its campuses.
  3. Any course work (individual courses, transfer blocks, statewide agreements) covered within these procedures shall be transferable to any public institution without any additional fee and without any further encumbrance such as a “validation examination,” “placement examination/instrument,” “verification instrument,” or any other stricture, notwithstanding any institutional or system policy, procedure, or regulation to the contrary.

Transfer Blocks, Statewide Agreements, Completion of the A.A./A.S. Degree

  1. The following Transfer Blocks/Statewide Agreements taken at any two-year public institution in South Carolina shall be accepted in their totality toward meeting baccalaureate degree requirements at all four-year public institutions in relevant four-year degree programs, as follows:
    • Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences: Established curriculum block of 46-48 semester hours
    • Business Administration: Established curriculum block of 46-51 semester hours
    • Engineering: Established curriculum block of 33 semester hours
    • Arts and Sciences, curriculum II: Established curriculum block of 48-51 semester hours
    • Teacher Education: Established curriculum block of 38-39 semester hours for early childhood, elementary, and special education students only. Secondary education majors and students seeking certification who are not majoring in teacher education should consult the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences or the Math and Science transfer blocks, as relevant, to assure transferability of course work
    • Nursing: By statewide agreement, at least 60 semester hours shall be accepted by any public four-year institution toward the baccalaureate completion program (BSN) from graduates of any associate degree program in nursing (ADN), provided that the program is accredited by the National League of Nursing and that the graduate has successfully passed the National Licensure Examination (NCLEX) and is a currently licensed registered nurse
  2. Any “unique” academic program not specifically or by extension covered by one of the statewide transfer blocks/agreements listed in #4 above shall either create its own transfer block of 35 or more credit hours with the approval of CHE staff or shall adopt either the Arts/Social Science/Humanities or the Science/Mathematics block by September 1996. The institution at which such program is located shall inform the staff of the CHE and every institutional president and vice president for academic affairs about this decision.
  3. Any student who has completed either an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree program at any public two-year South Carolina institution which contains within it the total course work found in either the Arts/Social Sciences/Humanities Transfer Block or the Math/Science Transfer Block shall automatically be entitled to junior-level status or its equivalent at whatever public senior institution to which the student might have been admitted. (Note: As agreed by the Committee on Academic Affairs, junior status applies only to campus activities such as priority order for registration for courses, residence hall assignments, parking, athletic event tickets, etc., and not in calculating academic degree credits.)

Related Reports and Statewide Documents

  1. All applicable recommendations found in the commission’s report to the General Assembly on the School-to-Work Act (approved by the commission and transmitted to the General Assembly on July 6, 1995) are hereby incorporated into the procedures for transfer of course work among two- and four-year institutions.
  2. The policy paper entitled State Policy on Transfer and Articulation, as amended to reflect changes in the numbers of transfer blocks and other Commission action since July 6, 1995, is hereby adopted as the statewide policy for institutional good practice in the sending and receiving of all course credits to be transferred.

Assurance of Quality

  1. All claims from any public two- or four-year institution challenging the effective preparation of any other public institution’s course work for transfer purposes shall be evaluated and appropriate measures shall be taken to reassure that the quality of the course work has been reviewed and approved on a timely basis by sending and receiving institutions alike. This process of formal review shall occur every four years through the staff of the Commission on Higher Education, beginning with the approval of these procedures.

Statewide Publication and Distribution of Information on Transfer

  1. The staff of the Commission on Higher Education shall print and distribute copies of these Procedures upon their acceptance by the commission. The staff shall also place this document and the Appendices on the commission’s Home Page on the Internet under the title “Transfer Policies.”
  2. By September 1 of each year, all public four-year institutions shall on their own Home Page on the Internet under the title “Transfer Policies”:
    1. Print a copy of this entire document (without appendices).
    2. Print a copy of their entire transfer guide.
    3. Provide to the staff of the commission in satisfactory format a copy of their entire transfer guide for placing on the commission’s Home Page on the Internet.
  3. By September 1 of each year, the staff of the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education shall on its Home Page on the Internet under the title “Transfer Policies”:
    1. Print a copy of this document (without appendices).
    2. Provide to the commission staff in format suitable for placing on the commission’s Home Page of the Internet a list of all articulation agreements that each of the sixteen technical colleges has with public and other four-year institutions of higher education, together with information about how interested parties can access those agreements.
  4. Each two-year and four-year public institutional catalog shall contain a section entitled “TRANSFER: STATE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES.” Such section at a minimum shall.
    1. Publish these procedures in their entirety (except Appendices)
    2. Designate a chief Transfer Officer at the institution who shall
      • Provide information and other appropriate support for students considering transfer and recent transfers
      • Serve as a clearinghouse for information on issues of transfer in the State of South Carolina
      • Provide definitive institutional rulings on transfer questions for the institution’s students under these procedures
      • Work closely with feeder institutions to assure ease in transfer for their students.
    3. Designate other programmatic Transfer Officer(s) as the size of the institution and the variety
    4. Refer interested parties to the institutional Transfer Guide of the state’s four-year institutions
    5. Refer interested parties to the institution’s and the Commission on Higher Education’s Home Pages on the Internet for further information regarding transfer.

Admission of International Students

Admission of International Students

The University welcomes the applications of qualified international students.* At least six months before the beginning of the semester they wish to enter, and in the case of freshman applicants, at least nine months beforehand, students must send a complete application, including standardized test scores, school records, and financial statements, to the Office of Admissions and Records. Students who have attended colleges and universities outside of the United States are required to submit a professional credential evaluation of all work completed.

International applicants must be proficient in the English language. A score of 550 or above on the paper version of the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is required (a score of 210 on the computerized version is required, and a score of 77 on the Internet version is required). TOEFL scores are not required for international students from countries where the primary language of instruction is English nor from graduates of high schools in the United States.

An English proficiency test will be administered to international students, except those from English-speaking countries, upon arrival at the University. All international students must demonstrate sufficient proficiency in written and oral English to progress at the University level. Students who are not proficient in English will be required to take noncredit, concentrated English language training until proficiency is demonstrated.

In addition, freshman applicants must have completed a level of education equivalent to that of students entering from accredited secondary schools in the United States and have superior grades on their school work. Applicants who seek to enter from another college or university in the United States must meet transfer admission requirements.

International applicants will not be allowed to enroll in classes until they establish their ability to pay education expenses. The policies of certain countries have created financial difficulties for their citizens studying at the University. Applicants from these countries will be so notified and required to make an advance deposit of expenses. Applicants from other nations must submit certification of financial support to satisfy this requirement. International students should not expect to obtain any financial assistance from the University.

*Applicants who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States.

Placement Examinations

Student Orientation and Testing Programs

All new students are expected to take placement tests (math and foreign language) and attend an orientation program (advisement and registration for classes) prior to their enrollment. Information on these programs may be obtained electronically at or by calling (803) 313-7066. Summer orientation days for parents, freshmen and transfers are held in June, July and August. Abbreviated orientations are also held immediately prior to classes beginning in January.

Advanced Placement by Examination

Baccalaureate degree candidates may qualify for degree credit and/or advanced placement through successful completion of the following exams:

  • The College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Examinations are offered in American government and politics, American history, art history, art studio (drawing 2D and 3D), biology, chemistry, comparative government and politics, computer science (A and AB), economics (macro and micro), English language and composition, English composition and literature, environmental science, European history, foreign languages (French, German, Latin, and Spanish), human geography, mathematics-calculus (AB and BC), music (theory and listening and literature), physics (B, C part 1, C part 2), psychology, and statistics. Questions concerning credit awards should be referred to the Office of Admissions and Records in Room 126, Starr Hall.
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher Level Examinations in biology, business and organization, chemistry, computer science, economics, English, French, geography, German, history, Latin, mathematics, music, physics, psychology, social anthropology, Spanish, theatre arts, and visual arts. Questions concerning credit awards should be referred to the Office of Admissions and Records.
  • Tests in foreign languages and mathematics are required for all new freshmen. Transfer students may be required to take the same tests. Information regarding these placement examinations may be obtained by contacting the Office of Student Life at (803) 313-7066.

Candidates who do not pass a particular test are not permitted to repeat that test. The required credits must be obtained instead by enrollment and satisfactory completion of the course(s) involved. Specific information about test content and policies may be obtained from the appropriate department.

Proof of Citizenship

USC Lancaster students must present proof of citizenship or lawful presence in the U.S. prior to enrolling. This policy has been adopted by the University in order to comply with section 59-101-430 of the South Carolina Code of Laws, as amended, which requires that lawful presence in the United States is verified before enrollment at any public institution of higher education. Verification of immigration status for non-citizens will be conducted by international student officials. For other students, a proof of citizenship verification process has been adopted to deter and prevent false claims of citizenship by unlawful aliens attempting to evade the eligibility requirements of section 59-101-430. All students must present proof of citizenship in the form of one of the following acceptable documents:

  • Copy of the South Carolina driver’s license if the student first became a licensed driver in the state after January 1, 2002;
  • A Certified Birth Certificate indicating that you were born in the United States or a territory of the United States
  • Current U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport that has not been expired more than 10 years
  • Certificate of Naturalization - USCIS Form (N-550 or N-570)
  • U.S. government issued Consular Report of Birth Abroad
  • Certificate of Citizenship (N-560 or N-561)
  • Unexpired U.S. Active Duty/Retiree/Reservist Military ID Card (DOD DD-2)

The University can accept photocopies of birth certificates and other citizenship documents, but reserves the right to request production of the certified original in the event that there are questions about whether the copy is true and accurate, or if any of the information on the provided copy is illegible.

For more information: