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2019-2020 USC Lancaster Bulletin 
  Feb 16, 2025
2019-2020 USC Lancaster Bulletin

Geological Sciences, BS

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Program Introduction

The Bachelor of Science degree in Geological Sciences concerns the study of the dynamics and physical history of the Earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and its physical, chemical, and biological changes.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will demonstrate their knowledge of fundamental concepts and laboratory skills in the geosciences by responding to written and laboratory-practical exam questions in at least one of the following courses: GEOL 302, 305, 315, 325, 335, 345 and 355. 
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of geological field skills by demonstrating a competency at the proficiency level on a geologic mapping exercise, preferably the Sheep Mountain project, in GEOL500.
  • Students will demonstrate their preparation for careers or graduate studies in the geosciences.

Major Map

A major map is a layout of required courses in a given program of study, including critical courses and suggested course sequences to ensure a clear path to graduation.

Major maps are only a suggested or recommended sequence of courses required in a program of study. Please contact your academic advisor for assistance in the application of specific coursework to a program of study and course selection and planning for upcoming semesters.

Geological Sciences, BS Geological Sciences, BS Geological Sciences, BS Geological Sciences, BS
General Geology General Geology Major in Environmental Geosciences Concentration Intensive Geology Major Concentration Intensive Geology Major in Marine Geology Concentration


Degree Requirements (120 hours)

Program of Study

  1. Carolina Core (32-44 hours)
  2. College Requirements (15-18 hours)
  3. Program Requirements (24-46 hours)
  4. Major Requirements (27-43 hours)

1. Carolina Core (32-44 hours)

Effective, Engaged, and Persuasive Communication: Written — CMW (6 hours)

must be passed with a grade of C or higher

Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving — ARP (8 hours)

Scientific Literacy — SCI (8 hours)

Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Foreign Language — GFL (0-6 hours)

Demonstration of proficiency in one foreign language equivalent to the minimal passing grade on the exit examination in the 122 course is required. Students can demonstrate this proficiency by successfully completing Phase II of the Proficiency Test or by successfully completing the 122 course, including the exit exam administered as part of that course.

It is strongly recommended that students continuing the study of a foreign language begin college-level study of that language in their first semester and continue in that language until their particular foreign language requirement is completed.

Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Historical Thinking — GHS (3 hours) 

Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Social Sciences — GSS (3 hours) 

Aesthetic and Interpretive Understanding —  AIU (3 hours)

Effective, Engaged, and Persuasive Communication: Spoken Component* — CMS (0-3 hours)

Information Literacy* —  INF (0-3 hours)

Values, Ethics, and Social Responsibility* — VSR (0-3 hours)

*Carolina Core Stand Alone or Overlay Eligible Requirements — Overlay-approved courses offer students the option of meeting two Carolina Core components in a single course. A maximum of two overlays is allowed. The total Carolina Core credit hours must add up to a minimum of 31 hours. Some programs may have a higher number of minimum Carolina Core hours due to specified requirements.

2. College Requirements (15-18 hours)

Foreign Language (0-3 hours) 

  • only if needed to meet 122-level proficiency

Analytical Reasoning (6 hours)

History (3 hours) 

The College of Arts and Sciences requires one U.S. History and one non-U.S. History course. Whichever is not fulfilled through the Carolina Core GHS requirement must be fulfilled through this college requirement. Accordingly, please select one of the following:

  • One Carolina Core GHS-approved course primarily focused on U.S. History: HIST 111 , 112 , 214 , or another GHS-approved course determined by the College of Arts and Science to fit this geographic category.


  • One Carolina Core GHS-approved course primarily focused on non-U.S. History: HIST 101 , 102 , 104 , 105 , 106 , 108 , 109 , GERM 280 , FAMS 300 , or another GHS-approved course determined by the College of Arts and Sciences to fit this geographic category.

Social Science and Fine Arts or Humanities (6 hours)

Courses Acceptable for Social Science and Fine Arts or Humanities Credit in Degree Programs in the College of Arts and Sciences  

3. Program Requirements (24-46 hours)

Supporting Courses (12 hours)

Cognate (12 hours)

The cognate is intended to support the course work in the major. The cognate must consist of twelve (12) hours of courses at the advanced level, outside of but related to the major. The cognate may be taken in one or more departments or programs, depending on the interests of the student and the judgment of the advisor.

Courses offered by departments and programs that are acceptable for cognate credit are outlined in the section titled Courses Acceptable for Cognate Credit in Degree Programs in the College of Arts and Sciences .

For cognate course offerings in other colleges, consult the appropriate sections of this bulletin. Some major programs have specific cognate requirements.

It should be emphasized that the cognate is not a second set of elective courses to be chosen at random by the student. The cognate must be approved by the major advisor as being related to the major field of study. Students are urged to consult their major advisors for specific requirements in their major.

Courses applied toward general education requirements cannot be counted toward the cognate.

For Bachelor of Science degrees, grades of D are acceptable for completion of the cognate requirement, except where restricted by the major program.

Minor (18 hours) optional

In place of the cognate a student in the College of Arts and Sciences may choose a minor consisting of at least 18 credit hours of prescribed courses. (Some minors in the sciences require a minimum of 16 hours.) The subject area of the minor may be related to the major.

Students pursuing interdisciplinary minors who wish to use courses in their major department for minor credit must petition the College Committee on Scholastic Standards and Petitions for permission to do so.

The minor is intended to develop a coherent basic preparation in a second area of study. It differs from the cognate inasmuch as the courses must be concentrated in one area and must follow a structured sequence. Interdisciplinary minors can be designed with the approval of the assistant dean for academic affairs and advising.   

Courses applied toward general education requirements cannot be counted toward the minor. No course may satisfy both major and minor requirements. All minor courses must be passed with a grade of C or higher. At least half of the courses in the minor must be completed in residence at the University.

Minors are available in participating departments of the College of Arts and Sciences and in other colleges. For descriptions of specific minors, students should see the appropriate sections of the bulletin.

A list of minor programs of study can be found at Programs A-Z .

Electives (0-22 hours)

No courses of a remedial, developmental, skill-acquiring, or vocational nature may apply as credit toward degrees in the College of Arts and Sciences. The College of Arts and Sciences allows the use of the Pass-Fail option on elective courses. Further clarification on inapplicable courses can be obtained from the College of Arts and Sciences.

4. Major Requirements (27-43 hours)

a minimum grade of C is required in all major courses

Choose one of the following concentrations:

General Geology (28-30 hours)

  • GEOL 302 - Rocks and Minerals  
  • GEOL 325 - Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basins  
  • GEOL 345 - Igneous and Metamorphic Processes  
  • GEOL 355 - Structural Geology and Tectonics  
  • GEOL 500 - Field Geology  (senior capstone experience)
  • Two of the following 3 courses;
    • GEOL 305 - Earth Systems through Time  
    • GEOL 315 - Surface and Near Surface Processes  
    • GEOL 335 - Processes of Global Environmental Change  

General Geology Major in Environmental Geosciences (27-30 hours)

  • GEOL 302 - Rocks and Minerals  
  • GEOL 315 - Surface and Near Surface Processes  
  • GEOL 325 - Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basins  
  • GEOL 335 - Processes of Global Environmental Change  
  • GEOL 355 - Structural Geology and Tectonics  
  • GEOL 500 - Field Geology  (senior capstone experience)
  • One of the following three courses:
    • GEOL 305 - Earth Systems through Time  
    • GEOL 371 - A View of the River   
    • GEOL 548 - Environmental Geophysics  

Intensive Geology Major (41-43 hours)

  • GEOL 302 - Rocks and Minerals  
  • GEOL 305 - Earth Systems through Time  
  • GEOL 315 - Surface and Near Surface Processes  
  • GEOL 325 - Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basins  
  • GEOL 335 - Processes of Global Environmental Change  
  • GEOL 345 - Igneous and Metamorphic Processes  
  • GEOL 355 - Structural Geology and Tectonics  
  • GEOL 500 - Field Geology  (senior capstone experience)
  • 9 credits of GEOL courses numbered 399 or higher

Intensive Geology Major in Marine Geology (41-43 hours)

  • GEOL 302 - Rocks and Minerals  
  • GEOL 305 - Earth Systems through Time  
  • GEOL 315 - Surface and Near Surface Processes  
  • GEOL 325 - Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basins  
  • GEOL 335 - Processes of Global Environmental Change  
  • GEOL 345 - Igneous and Metamorphic Processes  
  • GEOL 355 - Structural Geology and Tectonics  
  • GEOL 500 - Field Geology  (senior capstone experience)
  • 9 hours from the following:
    • GEOL 511 - Advanced Paleontology  
    • GEOL 515 - Marine Micropaleontology   
    • GEOL 516 - Sedimentology  
    • GEOL 518 - Surface to Subsurface Stratigraphy     
    • GEOL 521 - Introduction to Geochemistry  
    • GEOL 531 - Plate Tectonics   
    • GEOL 545 - Geological Oceanography   
    • GEOL 546 - Marine Geophysics   
    • GEOL 553 - Marine Sediments   
    • GEOL 557 - Coastal Processes   
    • GEOL 581 - Estuarine Oceanography  
    • GEOL 582 - Marine Hydrodynamics   
    • GEOL 583 - Geology and Geochemistry of Salt Marshes   
    • GEOL 498 - Undergraduate Research  (Limit 3 credits on approved research topics)
    • GEOL 499 - Undergraduate Research  (Limit 3 credits on approved research topics)

Degree with Distinction in Geological Sciences

Available to students majoring in Geological Sciences who wish to participate in significant research activities in their major field under the supervision of a faculty mentor. Students who successfully fulfill all of these requirements will be awarded their degree with “Distinction in Geological Sciences” upon graduation. South Carolina Honors College students taking this route would graduate with both Honors in SCHC and “Distinction in Geological Sciences”.


  • A minimum GPA of 3.5 in the major and 3.3 institutional.
  • A written sponsorship agreement from the faculty mentor on file in the department.
  • Public presentation of the Senior Thesis research accompanied by a written document approved by the faculty mentor and a second reader that follows the guidelines of the School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment.
  • 3 courses (9 hours) in addition to the general major requirements, including:
    • GEOL 498 - Undergraduate Research  OR GEOL 499 - Undergraduate Research  
    • GEOL 699 - Senior Thesis  
    • A minimum of one GEOL 500-level course appropriate to the research

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